About Dr. Duschane

Dr. Duschane specializes in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and Exposure Response Prevention (ERP) in the treatment of mood anxiety disorders, developmental disabilities related to Autism Spectrum Disorder, and executive functioning problems related to ADHD. She also provides comprehensive psychological testing. 

Cognitive-Behavioral + Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

CBT is the most research-supported treatment for numerous psychological problems and disorders. Everything from anxiety and depression to ADHD and social skills problems have been the subject of CBT intervention and research. CBT is recognized as the highest standard of care in psychotherapy.

DBT is a specialized type of cognitive-behavioral therapy that is aimed at reducing the extreme emotional responses felt by patients with mental health disorders. DBT teaches patients to identify unhealthy patterns that cause them distress and then combine them with more productive, healthier ideas. Instead of trying to alter the patient’s thoughts and behaviors entirely, it focuses on helping them achieve a more balanced worldview.

Psychological Testing 

The purpose of psychological testing is to create a definitive diagnosis and recommendations to help clients identify strengths and any difficulties in any area of functioning to help improve their overall mental health.  The recommendations provided can create an effective treatment plan.